About Us

We are FundingJack

Proudly Supporting British Businesses, we at FoundingJack are the go-to financial resource for small businesses in the UK. We’re here to help you overcome challenges, save you time and efforts, achieve your financial goals, and grow your business.

Focusing and specializing on the needs of small businesses and startup companies, we have designed solutions that are best suits your needs as a small business owner, anticipating the challenges you may encounter, and offering you the assistance you need, on time.

At FundingJack, we work with various small businesses and startup companies to secure the financing you need to flourish and expand your operation. Through a variety of financing option, our small business financing services help business owners seek the best financing options in an otherwise crowded and confusing marketplace.

Our goal is to make your role as a business owner easier. We have various funding programs to match each individual business, so you don’t have to worry about funding your small business.

Our Mission

We aim to provide small business owners with the financial tools and advice to facilitate growth and sustain successful and ongoing business activity. 

We believe that every small business in the UK deserves to to be informed and access all available financial assistance.
Financial decisions often make or break a business. We strive to help you identify the financial products that are best suited to your needs so you can get the necessary funding to accomplish your goals. 

It is our mission to help you get the capital you need for your success.

You probably have questions.
Go ahead, give us a call. We have a specialist standing by to assist.

Our Core Values

Understanding & transparency

We, at FundingJack know what it’s like to be a small business. We understand the importance of having viable and accessible financial possibilities to help your business grow. That’s why we offer working capital opportunities at affordable rates. Our financing opportunities allow you to do what works best for you without sacrificing equity or putting up collateral.

Assistance & Support

Financing can be confusing and complicated. Unsecured business loans and other funding solutions can feel overwhelming. As we know what you are going through, we value your time and your motivation to succeed. That’s why have a team of financing professionals available for you to answer your queries, provide advice, and guide you in the right direction.


At FundingJack, we are keeping things simple and to the point. We make it easy and streamlined to obtain the best funding for your small business. The application is simple and easy to submit. We assure swift turnaround times because we know that you cannot afford to wait. You need to have funding for your business. There is no reason for you to wait more than a few days for approval.

There is a good reason for working with FundingJack

Actually, there are more than a few reasons to work with us.

  • We focus on small business needs. We specialize in understanding and catering the financial needs or small business and SMEs.
  • Just as it is with you, it is not only business. It is personal. We are invested in your success (literally).
  • We are committed to your business growth and put all efforts to make it happen without overburdening you with additional requirements and red tape.

FundingJack is committed to providing you with the financial support you need to grow your business. Small businesses throughout the UK have relied on our services to make the best financial decisions.

We’re not an average financial institution. We are a team who want you to succeed, by getting to know you, understand your business, and only then crafting a solution that is best for you.

Go ahead, grow your business, make us proud.